Study Material

This website intends to make you an eGovernance Aware Citizen, and if you are a government official, or a consultant, or a services provider dealing with eGovernance projects, this website will provide you some material to improve your skills. You can get Certification by taking the eGovernance Exam – the only certification available in the country!

Please see the following links:

Annual Internet Trends Report by Mary Meeker gives great insights about what is happening globally:
Internet Trends 2018

Here are some great videos to watch:

Did you Know series is a great place to peep into the world of Technology:

Following two videos on 3D Printing may give you some ideas on how the Government can use or promote this tech:

Following two videos are a great introduction to Internet of Things. Think of how the Government can harness this technology – in Smart Cities projects, in Agriculture, Health etc.

Following two videos are on Statistics by Hans Rsoling. This may forever chnage the way you use Statistics to analyse your data:

Following two videos educate about use of Internet in empowering the citizens…

Can technology solve most fundamental problems of humanity – Hunger, Poverty, Inequality?

Geek Heresy: Rescuing Social Change from the Cult of Technology (Kentaro Toyama) – Pessimistic View:

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